Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Finding a Suitable Sound for your BH!

Sound is the most important component for success of your BH. However, if you are using the best sound and expecting your BH will be a full-house some days in the near future then it is a big mistake for swiftlet farming beginners!

In the past, I used the best sound in the market and my BH was almost always attracted many  birds. They were gathering above roof top,  from outside to inside ... many people thought that my BH was full of nests  but they were wrong... I got a few nests ... just enough for my special bird nests soup! lots of fun and sparked my researching of swiftlet farming.

Birds are usually enjoying new and attractive sound but it does not mean that they will stay in your bird house and build their nests.

Many things must be done correctly, many issues must be solved, many problems must be fixed. Are your BH ready? At last, Sound is a big help if you are choosing the most suitable sound especially for breeding cycle. Answer by yourself these questions:

What sound should I play during a day, night, internal, VIP rooms, external, pooling?
What sound should I play when there are many young birds around?
What sound should I play when the young birds are about to mate?
What sound should I play to attract birds come and stay in my BH?
What sound should I play when I want bird build their nests?
What sound should I play when birds are giving eggs, incubation?
What sound should I play when birds are mature?
What sound should I play when my BH is 100 nests, 300 nests or more?
Why some succeed BHs have never played any sound at all?

With today sound technology like free, open source Audacity and its plugins, with a few basic good sounds, you can create many untested sounds on the fly ... Mix and remix at unit sound level, section or whole song level... Right! It is simple. Once you setup Audacity correctly then it takes about 15 min per sound: Import ... Mix ... Apply plugins... Export as many new sounds as you would like.  However, you must test them to find the suitable sounds for your BH then you will uncover many tricky secrets...Mating and Baby sounds are "must have" sounds ... I always use my customized sounds and developed strategies of what? when? where? to play these sounds...the purpose is to guide the birds found new home!

Breeding cycles is changing and there is no best sound for all time! You must change your tested sound accordingly.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Best Months Ever! Be a Master Sifu!

Oct-Nov are the best months in the year! The number of nests in My BH are increasing 250%! Many New bird shit spots were all around the floors. Many birds are flying inside and many others are staying in their nests.

I'm looking back the logs to study what I have done right:

1) I applied insecticide on Aug. After I found out that cockroaches ate many nests. Comfortable living principle.
2) I  made my new mixed internal sound and made it lower a bit especially at the entrance holes. More comfortable, more confidence for bird to enter. Following sound principle.
3) I installed many clusters of tweeters in VIP rooms and playing external sound remixed baby sound and louder so that birds are easy to find way in. VIP principle.
4) I made new melody that rotating sounds for external tweeters. Birds are still enjoying old sounds with new remix. Sound is one of many important components for your success.
5) I set pooling sound that is playing on certain hours of a days. Birds are boring when hearing all day long. Attracting them by adding surprising good sound. Surprising principle.
6) Automating misting systems. It operates more reliable than human in case of power outage. Automation principle.
7) I applied newly discovered aroma. Following Aroma principle.
8) I adjusted environment so that Temperature and humidity are always in ideal range.
9) I added more partitions to reduce light intensity around 5 LUX.
10) Some minor improvements to reduce noise level...

It seems birds have satisfied with most of things I had done for them!

Afternoon til Evening, many birds are coming home. They are flying through the entrance holes directly and sometime the "flow rate" is 4, 6, 8 birds at once per second! Birds found their home and of course productivity are increasing exponentially.

One advice for BH owner: For success swiftlet farming business, you must be a Master!